This information is provided for educational purposes only. Texas Cancer Information does not collect or track personal information from visitors to the website.
Updated January 2025
Texas Cancer Information strives to make this website accessible to everyone who visits the site. To this end, we have included alt-tags containing descriptions with every image. Newly-created PDFs are checked for accessibility using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. We have also included links to where users can download the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader on pages that include PDF documents. We follow guidelines for accessiblity whenever possible. Texas Cancer Information plans to continue exploring ways to improve and enhance the accessibility of the site.
All Texas Cancer Information and Texas Cancer Data Center websites are Copyright © 2010-2024 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. All Rights Reserved.
This information is provided for educational purposes only. Medical advice and services are not being offered. All medical information should be reviewed with a health-care provider. Resource data is either self-reported or is obtained from state, local or national agencies. Inclusion on our website is not intended as an endorsement of any individual, service, or web site.
Great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of the information provided on this website; however, no warranties or representations, express or implied, are being made as to the accuracy or completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any opinions, advice, services or other information contained or referenced in this website. Texas Cancer Information and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center do not assume any risk for your use of this website.
In consideration for your use of and access to this website, you agree that in no event will Texas Cancer Information (formerly known as the Texas Cancer Data Center) and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering this website or any site linked to this website, be liable to you in any manner whatsoever for any decision made or action or non-action taken by you in reliance upon the information provided through this website.
You do not need to request permission to link to the Texas Cancer Information website. Although our old URL,, will continue to work, we would appreciate it if you would use our official URL when linking to our site:
Texas Cancer Information does not enter into reciprocal link agreements. Links included in the Links by Topic database are reviewed for quality using a predetermined criteria and are organized by cancer topic and cancer type. These links include websites based in Texas as well as those found across the country. Texas based sites are identified by a small Texas icon. If you would like to suggest a link for inclusion in Links by Topic, please e-mail All proposed links are reviewed according to the predetermined criteria above to assess the overall quality and usefulness of the information found on each site. If we link to your site, it does not obligate you to link back to our site.
Texas Cancer Information does not collect personal information from visitors to the website. Information that is automatically entered into the server log may include the IP address of the computer accessing the information, the type of browser used, the referring page/site that brought you to the site, the date and time of the user session, and which pages are viewed. We do not share this information with other organizations. We use this information only in aggregate form to determine which pages are viewed most/least frequently, times of day and days of the week that receive the most/least traffic, errors encountered, number of visitors to the site, and overall activity on the site. TCI no longer uses any cookies.
E-mail requests for certain information that are received by Texas Cancer Information may be forwarded to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center's askMDAnderson information line at 1-877-MDA-6789 (1-877-632-6789) for response. You should also note that electronic mail and other Internet communications channels are not necessarily secure against interception.
Texas Cancer Information cannot be responsible for the content or privacy practices used by owners of other websites linked to from our site.