On June 1, 1991, the Texas Cancer Pain Initiative was founded and Gov. Ann Richards declared it "Freedom From Cancer Pain Day"" in the state of Texas.
The Texas Legislature enacted the Intractable Pain Act, the first such legislation in the United States that created broader guidelines for the treatment of cancer pain.
Working with the Texas Cancer Council, the TCPI published the state's first "Guidelines for Treatment of Cancer Pain." Over 35,000 copies have since been distributed to healthcare professionals in Texas without charge.
In cooperation with the American Cancer societyTexas Division, 50,000 narcotic dose conversion cards have been distributed to healthcare professionals in Texas.
The second statewide TCPI meeting was held in Austin on October 30-31, 1992, with keynote speaker Reginald Ho, M.D., thennational president of the American Cancer Society.
The TCPI was awarded a grant from the Texas Cancer Council to conduct a two-yearlong role model educational program for physicians, nurses, and pharmacists across Texas.
In May 1993, the TCPI was awarded a Texas Outreach grant from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center for continuing educational programs for healthcare professionals in Texas.
The TCPI entered into an agreement with Healix Infusion Therapy, Inc., to sponsor the TCPI quarterly newsletter, "Q Quarter."
With the Texas Pain Society, the TCPI co-sponsored pain seminars at the Texas Medical

With your support, the TCPI will build on these accomplishments to improve
pain management and reduce suffering for all cancer patients in Texas.