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Expected Cancer Cases and Deaths

Texas Expected Cancer Cases and Deaths

Texas Cancer Information gives you an easy way to view expected cancer cases and deaths from selected causes for a given Texas region. Estimated cancer cases and deaths for 2008, 2009 and 2010 for all primary cancer sites are provided for Texas, Public Health Regions (Health Service Regions), and Texas counties with at least 100,000 population. Cancer case and death estimates have been provided by the Texas Cancer Registry (TCR), Cancer Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch, Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 W. 49th Street, Austin, Texas, 78756, http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/tcr/default.shtm, or (512) 458-7523.

Case estimates for 2008 were calculated by applying 2000-2004 California age, sex, and race/ethnic-specific cancer incidence rates to corresponding 2008 Texas region population. Case estimates for 2009 were calculated by applying 2001-2005 California age, sex, and race/ethnic-specific cancer incidence rates to corresponding 2009 Texas region population. California rates were used because of more complete California Cancer Registry case ascertainment and similarity between California and Texas populations and more complete California Cancer Registry case ascertainment.

Beginning with their 2010 estimates, TCR is using 2002-2006 Texas cancer incidence rates to generate most of estimates, rather than California rates. They will continue to use California incidence rates for melanoma, breast and prostate cancers.

Estimated numbers of cancer deaths for 2008 were calculated by applying 2003-2004 Texas age, sex, and race/ethnic-specific cancer mortality rates to corresponding 2008 Texas regon population. Estimated numbers of cancer deaths for 2009 were calculated by applying 2004-2005 Texas age, sex, and race/ethnic-specific cancer mortality rates to corresponding 2009 Texas region population. Estimated numbers of cancer deaths for 2010 were calculated by applying 2005-2006 Texas age-, sex-, and race/ethnic-specific mortality rates to the corresponding 2010 Texas population. The sum of male and female expected numbers may not always equal the total due to rounding. Texas population projections were provided by the Center for Health Statistics, Texas Department of State Health Services.

Totals may not sum due to rounding.

Texas Expected Cancer Cases and Deaths Search Criteria

Select region and year(s) and click on the Submit Query button.

Texas Region:

Public Health Region
County with 100,000+ Population



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